Annuity: A Financial Product for Retirement

An annuity is a deal where you make a payment or a series of payments and, in return, receive regular disbursements, immediately or after the time you choose. An annuity is a way to substantially put your large amount to a company saving you from taxes. In return, you keep receiving at regular intervals of time.

Annuities play in action to turn a significant amount to steady cash flow. This is mainly of great use for winners in a lottery or large cash settlements in some cases. The income you receive is at regular income tax rates without any capital gain rates.

Understanding how an annuity works 

The purpose of an annuity is to provide a stable income. Retirees hold the preference of annuities. An annuity provides a reliable flow of cash during retirement years giving financial aid. It also helps to lessen the risk of losing one’s hard-earned lifetime asset. 

With the option of open features, the buyer exercises the freedom of customizing according to their needs. The major need is the choice of the tenure to start the disbursement. This is where the types of annuities come in the picture. An immediate annuity holds the immediate payment feature. Whereas, the deferred annuities start disbursing cash after a predetermined date.

Every annuity is customizable in terms of the duration of disbursement. The duration of disbursement can vary from a fixed number of years to the rest of your life. With this, one can ensure that they do not outlive their assets. Annuities with lowering the amount of each check help in securing a lifetime of payments. 

Who buys annuities?

Majorly, annuities are for people seeking stable income for their retirement. Annuities act as a good term plan for the ones wanting to hedge their longevity risk. Many people of varying ages prefer immediate annuity. Annuities allow them to exchange immediately for cash flows into the future. 

Annuities are not recommended to younger earners. Firstly, because annuities hold withdrawal penalties applicable to the gap between the payment and payout. And secondly, the payout amount is illiquid. These reasons make it less preferable for non-retirees.

In what ways does annuity differ from life insurance?

Life insurance providers and investment companies make an annuity contract. Nonetheless, what might work with life insurance policyholders may not work the same way for the annuitants.

Mainly, insurance policyholders need to deal with mortality risk. If the policyholder dies prematurely, the insurer will pay out a net loss of death benefit to the company. This implies providers to averagely price their policies to keep gaining profits with longer lifespan annuitants. 

An annuity does not have a mortality risk and helps to outlive earnings. This makes annuities preferable for the buyer to enjoy the assets that they’ve earned without outliving them. This risk can happen by selling annuities to one with high mortality risk.

Example of an Annuity

Any life insurance policy is the simplest example of a fixed annuity. Here, an individual pays an amount monthly and receives an income stream through retirement. In an immediate annuity, one makes a payment and immediately starts receiving a tenured monthly payment. The immediate annuities’ payout depends on market conditions and interest rates. 

The bottom line

An annuity is your retirement year’s savior. It provides the proper amount of cash flow paying off your years of hard work. In the end, it is a beneficiary in a retirement plan.