Top 7 Strategies to Generate Real Estate Leads in 2020

Every real estate professional has to face the struggle in generating trustworthy leads. Finding a real estate lead has its own set of challenges, and all the sales tips and tricks fail to close the deals if you don’t have good lead sources. But, if you know the right strategies and marketing channels, it’s not that tough to generate real estate leads. Let’s discuss the strategies that can help you generate the best real estate leads in 2020.

Top 7 Strategies to Generate Real Estate Leads in 2020 

1. Social Media Real Estate Marketing

Social media is known to be one of the easiest ways to find the potential leads for the real estate business. There are many social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, where you can interact with the people and establish good business relationships with them. Through these platforms, you can easily promote your brand by joining various social media groups, posting short videos, or by advertising your business to target potential customers. Learn how to drive sales using social media.

2. Referrals 

Real estate referrals can be a bit tricky, but this is the most reliable approach to generate real estate leads. According to NAR, 64% of real estate sellers found their leads through a referral from a friend, neighbor, past clients, and relative. So, for a successful real estate referral strategy, you have to stay connected with your loved ones or the people you know. You can also offer exciting incentives like a specific percentage discount to your commission to the person who would bring the leads.

3. Start a Real Estate Blog

A real estate blog clears up a lot of questions to your potential customer who visits your site. Blogging requires patience, time, dedication, and a perfect SEO rich content. But it can help you to generate leads for your real estate business. And if you are not into blogging, you can also hire a real estate VA with marketing or blogging experience or an affordable content writer and marketer.

4. Build a Network

Generally, people forget their existing customers, but you should not forget your existing customers if you want to build useful networks for the future. You have spent many years building the trust of these people, so why not start with them? Once you get potential customers, try to establish a personal connection with them. Apart from this, you can connect more people through going to small business events, sending networking emails, or calling prospects.

5. Make More Videos 

Generally, real estate salespeople don’t bother with video making, but you should. Don’t make it boring by just showcasing a home. Be creative and make 4-5 minutes videos on various topics relating to real estate; such as an interview with clients, Q&A sessions, home buying & selling tips, favorite home features, and many more related topics that can create the interest of people in your business.

6. Real Estate Website

It is unprofessional if you have a real estate business but not have your business website. Building your website can help showcase your specialties, services, offers, incentive, and many much more to your potential customers. Make sure to build a properly optimized website which includes a user-friendly design and organic keywords.

7. Ask for Reviews

Reviews help to show the new clients that there are real people who have taken your services. It also builds the trust of new prospects. Add a review page on your website and don’t be afraid to ask your existing customers to review your services.