The Best Times to Post in Social Media Per Day

Creating good quality content and getting no response is a nightmare for digital marketers nowadays. They try every possible way to get a maximum response on social media, but some of them still fail. Getting thousands of likes, shares, and comments requires a simple trick which most of the high profile personalities and companies follow. These companies and personalities don’t reveal the trick, but they know the algorithm which works on the backside of the trick. The algorithm is “timing” and is a straightforward and efficient method. Good digital marketers know when to post good content so that it can be viewed by most of the audience. But if you don’t have an excellent digital marketer by your side, then that is okay because we will tell you the best times to post on social media per day.

The Best Times to Post on Social Media Per Day

Best Times to Post on Instagram

Instagram is the most popular platform. It currently has the most users in the world. But due to the popularity, it wasn’t easy to gather the exact and best times to post on social media platforms like Instagram. Before COVID-19, Wednesday at 11 a.m. and Friday at 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. were found as the best times to post on Instagram. But now, due to less scheduling in the lives of Americans, people are waking up later. The ideal time to post on Instagram is in the mid-afternoon. If you want to be more specific, then Monday, Tuesday and Friday were seen as the most engaging days. A clear fact is people post a lot on weekends so you should avoid posting on weekends.

Best Times to Post on Twitter

Twitter is considered an app to check news and world updates. It has continued with a consistent algorithm for the past few years. After our study, we found the best days to post on Twitter are Wednesday and Friday. If you want to post about an update, then post on Wednesday and if you want to post about a new product or service then post it on Friday. However, 9 a.m. was the peak time of engagement recorded on both days.

Best Times to Post on Facebook

Activity on Facebook is constant throughout every weekday. Before the pandemic, the most engaging period was on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. But now the engaging period is constant throughout every weekday and peak hours can be seen from 11 a.m to 4 p.m. If you want to be more specific then choose Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Best Times to Post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn hasn’t seen any drastic changes in the past couple of months. LinkedIn has pure professionals on its platform who don’t have much time to explore other social media apps like Instagram or Facebook. The user behavior of LinkedIn is quite similar to days before the pandemic. This is because professionals don’t have a specific time to open any social media platform. Business people open it when they get time. Due to current situations, most of the professionals are working from home. We have gathered data that suggests that the best days to post on LinkedIn are Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.