Best Strategies to have more Resilient Business

Best Strategies to Have More Resilient Business :

Quite recently, the word ‘resilience’ has become one of the key buzzwords which are being thrown around in the business world. Therefore, you may wonder what exactly is a resilient business? A resilient business is nothing but an organization that can pivot or maneuver any kind of difficulty or crisis that may appear in front of it.

In this article, we are going to give you some of the best strategies to have a more resilient business. If you are someone whose business has been heavily impacted by the entire COVID-19 situation, then you must pay attention to this.

Profile The Mental Health Of Your Employees

At the ground level, businesses are built by individuals who come together with a shared goal in mind. Therefore, if you wish to build a more resilient business, you need to focus on your staff or employees. You need to be able to specifically focus on their mental health. If your employees are mentally healthy, then they will most certainly be more resilient. That, in turn will make your business more resilient.

Now don’t go ahead with trying to introduce support programs for your staff to build mental resilience all at once. First, you need to profile their existing problems and conditions. You need to figure out how and where your staff needs support and coping strategies. This will help you build a plan of action to take your next steps.

To do this, you can get some information from the health and management records. You can evaluate things such as employee assistance programs (EAP) data, sickness absence data, mental-ill-health-related PMI claims, and so on.

Inculcate A Supportive Environment

Now that you have gotten yourself a concrete plan of action, you can move ahead with inculcating a supportive environment in your business. Make sure this environment can tackle the issues you identified in your workforce whilst profiling them. You need to build a supportive environment wherein your staff feels empowered to do more whilst keeping their stress levels low. This is one of the key ways to grow resilience into your business. A supportive work environment can be characterized by factors such as employee rewards, employment security, and a style of management and culture that promotes mutual trust and respect.

Start Introducing Training Programs To Increase Mindfulness

This is a very important strategy that helps in building a resilient business and an agile workforce. At the individual level, resilience is a learnable skill. Now, to be able to build this skill, one needs the skills that can help deal with pressure and stress. This is where training programs to increase mindfulness step in.

Mindfulness training can help teach employees how to not view difficult and paralyzing situations as obstacles. It will rewire their brain to view these situations as challenges rather. It also helps your workforce feel empowered, confident, proactive, and decisive. All these things then combined help your business become more resilient than it previously was.

This brings us to the end of the discussion on how to have a more resilient business. Now let us know what tips do you have to build a more resilient business? Also, tell us if you have ever used the above-mentioned strategies for your own business.