The Best Tips to Earn More Backlinks to your Website in 2020

Boosting your search engine ranking is inevitable in order to increase the traffic generation for your website. Gaining backlinks from trusted websites is a legitimate method for the generation of organic website traffic. Backlinks can be defined as a link that connects one website to another. Backlinks are helpful for search engines in recognizing and indexing your content in the search results. However, earning backlinks from large e-commerce websites and publication is not an easy task. The success formula is a combination of optimum search engine rankings, networking, utilization of the right tools, and efficient content marketing. These are some tips to earn more backlinks that point to your website.

Tips to Earn More Backlinks to Your Website in 2020

Round-up Posts

Round-up posts include the opinions of the industry experts in the market. Many of the users are in constant search for influencers, mentors, and guides to help them gain a better understanding and improve their hobbies, careers, and business ventures. So, featuring your product or service on such websites is a very effective method of integration of backlinks. Here the backlinks will be presented before the users as a resource or a solution. There is always a chance of the audience sharing these links, which further increases your website traffic.

Guest Blogging 

Guest blogging is an effective strategy for generating backlinks. The marketers may have a hard time getting the guest posts posted on web sites with a good reputation. Linkable is a platform that enables marketers to connect with skilled authors. Maintaining contacts with such skilled authors will increase your chances of getting your article published.


Having visual cues can easily attract the viewers and present information in a digestible format. You can also create an interesting infographic and pitch it to multiple reputed websites to get them published. Such websites will attribute your site which can act as a powerful backlink.

Pitching Your Links as a Solution to Error 404s

This is yet another practical and impactful strategy to increase your backlink hits. Broken links can be used for building backlinks, suggesting alternative destinations on the internet.

Establish Connections with Clients

Guest posts can also be published if you have clients with a powerful social media presence. Their websites and blogs can publish promotional articles, reviews, and testimonials with backlinks.

Monitor Your Competitors with “Mention”

Mention is an online social tool that enables a brand to view all the online conversations made about the brand. The user is alerted whenever there is mention of the specified brand on social media platforms. Another tactic that can be used is to reply to the concerns of the competitor’s customers. If your business manages to reply first, the customers may consider your product as an alternative and even share the backlink.

Creating case studies rich in content and statistics will earn you more backlinks. Generating quality content instead of just blindly reaching out to websites for being attributed, will generate organic traffic growth for your website. Growing backlinks is a process that requires considerable effort and planning.