Complete Information about The Guerrilla Marketing

Every company, either small or big, depends on the advertisement of a product for building a consumer base and also depends on an increase in the sale of the product to generate revenue. Different companies acquire various approaches to reach their customers and offer them products, and these approaches can be done through the marketing of the product. The term Guerrilla Marketing comes into existence when companies try to invent different approaches to convince their customers.

What is Guerrilla Marketing? 

The answer to the question is quite simple. Guerrilla Marketing is a technique of advertisement where the customer or consumer is made to feel the extraordinary adventure and pleasure concerning happiness and desire. It is done by involving surprising elements in simple advertisements.

Jay Conrad Levinson created the idea of the Guerrilla Market technique in his Book called ‘Guerrilla Advertising’ in 1984. The term “Guerrilla” has its analogy with the Guerrilla Warfare, where the armed civilians used small tactical steps for the warfare. These steps involved the element of surprises that astonished the opposition. The Guerrilla Market techniques concept also emphasizes the use of short but surprising features in the advertisement for the product.

Guerrilla Marketing is all about creating a buzz in society, which creates an indelible impact on the product being advertised. The ideology behind the Guerrilla Market technique is to connect with the customer at both personal and social levels.

The History of Guerrilla Marketing

In the past, there was once the method of wall painting to advertise. Advertising then broadened with the help of print media and electronic media like the radio and television to promote products. In 1984, with the release of the ‘Guerrilla Advertising,’ a new methodology of advertisement was born. It was supposed to be used by small companies and ventures, but as time passed, Guerrilla Market techniques were being used by larger companies.

How It is Used in Small Businesses

Guerrilla Marketing is a beneficial technique for small budget companies. It increases the consumption of the product. For example, let us take the advertisement strategy of Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew is a beverage that comes with the tag line “victory follows the loss.” The entire advertisement is done is such a way that the viewer rises with emotion and watches the climax of the advertisement. Hence Guerrilla Market technique is beneficial for small budget companies and helps to a greatly helps to establish the product.

How It is used Big Businesses

In January 2020, Coca Cola used the Guerrilla tactic of advertisement. By using the Coca-Cola vending machine called happiness, the machine was placed in a college. In the commercial, they recorded the expression of the student and viral the video. After the commercial, it gained so much popularity that the company had to launch several other shoot campaigns. Hence the Guerrilla Market technique was so inspiring for the big companies that they also began to use it for the advertisement of their products.


Guerrilla Marketing is a modern way of marketing. Both big and small ventures utilize it. It has the elements of surprise which keeps the audience on their toes. Hence the popularity, consumption, and utility of the product also increases. Thus Guerrilla Marketing is a beneficial way of advertising.