How to Expand your Lead Generation Through Facebook

Most marketers use lead generation, which involves collecting information through form submissions. The marketer advertises an offer and interested buyers fill out a form to purchase. Sadly, the method does not always generate leads, and users are required to follow a conversion path leading to a high bounce rate. Facebook lead generation ads allow potential clients to access information and shorten the path.

What Facebook Lead Generation Entails

Facebook lead generation is a marketing process where the primary purpose of generating leads is to develop a sales pipeline. A lead is a user who has expressed interest in your product, so the marketer doesn’t need to make cold calls. Also, the initial step to generating a lead is through a social media profile. With an audience, marketers need to create solid lead generation strategies before they can contact your sales team.

Why Use Facebook?

Facebook has proven to be the most effective channel and has a considerable number of active users (1.7 billion) every month. Moreover, it provides a large user base that makes lead generation easy for the user and the business. This is because it provides an advertising dashboard with plenty of resources you can use to collect leads. What’s more, the form allows the marketer to collect as much information about the customer through their profile.

The other benefits of using Facebook for lead generation are:

  • Saves time: Facebook’s mobile-friendly advertising format enables users to fill out a form appearing on the screen and submit.
  • Increases conversion: Facebook’s ad formats also increase the likelihood of conversion to purchase the product.
  • Access to different lead generation campaign formats: Marketers have access to webinar signups, content downloads to create lead ads.
  • Ability to customize questions: Marketers can customize the questions in the lead ad forms to collect as much information about their target audience.

How to Make the Ads Successful

Offer Incentives

Your target audience is more willing to share information if you offer a free download, a promo code, and product samples. This shows customers that you value their information, so customers understand what they are signing up for. Include these incentives at the beginning of the form and in the promotional copy. Marketers should include branding throughout the ad that comes with sharing personal information.

Target the Right Audience

Align your lead ad’s objectives to the target audience. 

  • Custom audiences: They include people in your CRM system and app visitors.
  • Lookalike audiences: If your objective is to expand, then your ads should target lookalike audiences. Marketers can identify such an audience by studying the most valuable customers to find similar users.
  • People near the company: If the business has more than one location, the marketer can use a business locator feature to within the range of your stores. Such an audience is ideal if you want to encourage customers to visit your store.

Incorporate Video Formats

  • Add a (Call-to-Action) CTA to the videos: It comes in handy if you are creating educational videos. Such videos reach a wider audience and is easier for new people to digest.
  • Include the CTA at the end: Your CTA should come in the middle of the video as they have shown to attract a higher conversion.
  • Add the CTA to targeted videos: It is effective when you focus on the quality of the leads.