Top 6 Tips to Make and Use Negative Keyword

What happens when you put up a negative keyword list on your campaign? A negative keyword means that your post won’t show up when that word is being searched. For example, you add the word ‘sell’ to your negative keyword list. If a user searches for this word, your posts would not appear. How does this tactic help you with paid campaigns? If you run a paid campaign, for each click you have to spend money. But when you make a list of negative keywords, your money will be saved. Negative keywords won’t show up in your post. This would improve your click-through rates. It will also increase your audience’s relevancy. The following blog will give you the top 6 tips to make and use negative keyword

Top 6 Tips to Make and Use Negative Keyword :

Funnel your users

Filter down your keywords. Make it easier by jotting down the words. If you have a negative keyword for a campaign, make sure you include them in other campaigns, too.

Use tools

It might be difficult to keep track of all the negative keywords. Make a list. Use tools that allow you to make a list of negative keywords. This will help you keep track of your words. You will also have a list for reference, and you can track down the words that you used in your previous campaigns. You can also use a keyword planner which gives you the analyzed details about your keyword. Therefore, making it easy for you to assign keywords.

Watch out for similar words

Look out for words that match with your negative keyword. For example, if you sell chocolates named Harley, and people search for Harley Davidson, this means your items will pop in their search, too. Hence, this might lead to confusion. However, when you create a negative keyword list, be sure to use the negative exact of that same word. Therefore, Harley becomes -[Harley]. This ensures that your chocolates will pop up only when there is a search done for chocolates.


Research is an important factor when it comes to working digitally. There is so much competition online that it is necessary for you do to your homework. Your research must be strong and this will help you design your strategies better than your competitors. It will also tell you about your audience such as their preferences, most searched words, etc.


SOR stands for Search Query Report. This is the base for your negative keywords. SQRs tell you the exact number of times a word was searched. This will help you understand what terms you must add and any suffix or prefix you must add in order to get searched.

Show your creativity

These days people are looking for new, creative, and fun things. This creativity works with negative keywords, too. Your words have been used before and are being used. You don’t know what exactly the user is looking for when they type ‘begin’. They might be looking for the film ‘Begin Again’. They might be searching for ‘how to begin a speech?’ it can be anything. So how would you know they are looking for you? Therefore, be creative when you add keywords. Change the terms such that they work in your favor.