What you must know about eCommerce marketing in 2020 in order to succeed:

No eCommerce brand gets to the top of Google and achieves its marketing goals without a few key traits. Discussed below are key trends in eCommerce marketing in 2020 and how to succeed in this high-competition category. If your target for the next twelve months is to sell more, here are a few recommendations.

How important is an intuitive eCommerce website?

Before we delve into more advanced eCommerce marketing strategies, acknowledge the importance of having an intuitive design website. Your navigation bar should include all products divided into categories, and integrate a search function. This allows searching by keyword, which helps get a customer to the desired product in as little time as possible.

Learn to write simple, detailed eCommerce product descriptions

The simpler your eCommerce web design, the easier it will be for customers to buy, and product descriptions shouldn’t waste time. State plainly what you’re offering, use researched keywords to strengthen SEO, and include a list of all specifications. You want to give as much information as possible that would be relevant to make a sale. You don’t want a customer to have questions unanswered and be on the fence about whether to buy or not.

What is structured markup language for eCommerce?

At the back end of anyone’s eCommerce SEO marketing campaign, structured markup language should be added. This markup will help to better identify what’s on-page and will align your website to relevant search queries. This one important strategy you must know about eCommerce marketing in 2020 in order to succeed.

Why my eCommerce site has to be mobile responsive?

More than 60% of eCommerce shoppers will come to your site in 2020 using a smartphone. Therefore, your site needs to be equipped with a Mobile Responsive Design (MSD) and fast speeds to stay ahead. MSD is your eCommerce site’s ability to adapt to screen size. Thereby, no matter what device one views your content, it’s also present in the most attractive way possible. Secondly, you want a site that loads quickly to engage the customer and make a purchase in no time.

Is influencer marketing worth it for eCommerce?

Due to the opening of marketing channels like voice search, video, and push notifications, influencer marketing isn’t as important. That said, influencers still hold a lot of power, particularly at a micro-level. Therefore, for new, unknown eCommerce brands, influencer marketing will instantly generate awareness, and revenues. By connecting with influencers to promote your products, you become legitimized in the eyes of the customer.

Which eCommerce marketing strategy gets you the most conversions?

Different marketers will tell you different things, analyzing conversion is one of the best methods of communication. And surprisingly, one that is not used enough by growing companies, is push notifications, You potentially have a hundreds of thousands of prospective customers on their smartphones at any given time. Tap into that! If they’ve registered for push notifications, sending time-sensitive promo codes can nab instant sales.

What can make my eCommerce site more attractive to buyers?

If you want to increase the chances of selling a product to a prospect, employ product reviews and user-generated content. This is done mainly to back up the legitimacy of what you’re selling and explains what every customer should know. Most eCommerce brands also know this lets other buyers know whether a product is worth investing and if you sell high-quality products, you have nothing to worry about.