Best Ways to Improve SEO of a WordPress Site

Improve Your WordPress Site SEO

In this article, we are going to discuss how to improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of a WordPress site.

Consider Picking A Quality Web Host

The first step to improve your WordPress website SEO, is you have to ensure your site loads fast. Speed is an extremely important ranking factor for all search engines and most importantly for Google. Presently, if your site does not load very fast, i.e. under 1.5 seconds then you should contact your host and ask them why your website is performing slowly on their server. If they fail to provide a satisfactory and specific reason then consider moving to a different web host. Now, while choosing a new web host, do not make the same common mistakes that most beginners tend to do. Do your research, and based on that, choose a new web hosting company.

Consider Altering the Default Structure Of Permalinks

WordPress, by default, happens to use ‘?p=[id]‘ permalink structure for posts. This isn’t at all search engine friendly and thus you can very well end up losing the option of putting a few important keywords in post permalinks. You must change the permalink structure to  ‘‘ format wherein you can choose to edit it and insert the required keywords.

Always Install a Plugin for Xml Sitemap

Installing a .xml sitemap plugin is very crucial for SEO optimizing WordPress websites. You must provide search engines such as Google with links to all the pages on your website in the form of a sitemap which is in the .xml format. This helps search engines to index the content on your website faster.

Install a Good SEO Plugin

You must consider installing a good SEO plugin because it will help take good care of numerous SEO aspects of your website or blog completely automatically. As soon as you install the plugin, you should be enabling the rel= ”canonical” tag for pages on your website. It will help search engines to determine the source of all the URLs of content on your blog. This way, it will eliminate duplicate content issues from WordPress sites.

Untrusted and Useless Nofollow Links

A hyperlink with a rel=”nofollow” attribute on a webpage generally means that the particular web page wants the search engine spiders not to ‘follow’ the link and that it doesn’t happen to guarantee the reliability of the linked page. Additionally, when you add a rel=”nofollow” attribute to a link, it ensures that it gets no PageRank points from the particular page the link was posted on. Google advises that web masters should be setting unrelated links as nofollow.

This includes any and every paid advertisement on the website with links to the websites of the advertisers. Generally, one should have nofollow links that are either completely unrelated to the website that they are posted on, or are not at all useful to search engines.

This brings us to the end of our discussion on improving your WordPress site SEO. Now, do let us know some of your thoughts on the same.


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