Most Useful Tips to Build a Game-Changing Business Network

How to Build a Game-Changing Business Network

Regardless of whatever business that you are involved in, networking can be hard. Most of the individuals dread networking. However, networking is great for exploring career opportunities and nurturing your business. Here are some tips on how to build a game-changing business network.

Attending Events and Meeting

Attending events and meeting up with people in those events is essential in networking. However, attending several events can be not only time-consuming but also extremely exhausting. You have to be selective about the events that you attend. Try to attend diverse events as much as possible. Deciding the events to attend should be based on several factors such as the people attending, how it could help you with your career, etc. 


When you are attending an event, it is important to know who are the attendees. Try to get your hands on the complete attendee’s list before attending the event. Most of the events make the RSVP list public through the internet. Reading the RSVP list allows you to identify the important people that you would like to have a conversation with. Make sure that you are familiar with a connector. A connector is someone capable of introducing you to the right people in an event. A good connector is always well-networked. It is recommended to let the people know that you would like to talk to them at the event, beforehand. Leave a message if possible. This could potentially make it easier for a conversation at the event.

Goals and Objectives

Make sure that you are well aware of your goals and objectives before attending the event. Identify the key people that you would like to talk to. Identify the objectives of attending a networking event. Make a note of the information that you need to acquire as well as the information that you need to share.

Networking Events

Preparation is vital for networking events. Even professionals can sometimes feel overwhelmed during networking events. So mentally prepare about the questions you need to ask. Also, prepare answers for the most common questions that could be asked to you. One of the most frequently asked questions in networking events is “what do you do?”.

Experience and Exposure

Experience and exposure to networking events can make networking easier for you with time. Feeling awkward when you are trying to converse with a strange group of people is not rare at all. Do not try to jump into conversations. Be a keen listener. Do not make others feel like you are forcing the conversation.


Taking a genuine interest in others is vital to move a conversation in the right direction. Asking your acquaintances to recommend you to people is better than trying to sell yourself during a conversation. Always remember to ask for their business card in case you need to contact them later.


Making timely follow-ups and being consistent are key factors of building a game-changing business network. Sometimes, you may need to follow up several times to establish a stable network.