Best Tips on How To Get More Followers on Twitter

Twitter is one of the most popular microblogging social media platforms as of right now. So if you are someone who has been trying to crack the code when it comes to getting more followers on this particular platform, then keep on reading. In this article, we are going to help you with how to get more followers on Twitter. Let’s jump into it!

Here are some tips regarding How To Get More Followers on Twitter :

Tweet As Much As You Possibly Can

Unlike other popular social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, Twitter happens to requires a content strategy that is very aggressive in nature. According to data that has been revealed by CoSchedule, anywhere between three and seven tweets per every single day is the ‘sweet spot’ to maximize your engagement. Some brands also tend to tweet as frequently as 15 or 20 times per day.

Consider Timing Your Tweets Correctly

On the Twitter platform, if you happen to simply blast your tweets while your target audience is busy at the office or sleeping peacefully, it won’t help you gain new followers at all. You need to be able to time your tweets to perfection. According to the research conducted by Sprout, the best possible time for you to post on Twitter, happens to be during weekdays in the early and late afternoons. However, you need to keep in mind that these numbers might vary a lot depending on what your time zone is. Your timing of tweets will surely help your account gain some much-needed exposure which will then lead to you getting more followers.

Try Posting More Visual Content Pieces

As you probably already know, if you have been on the Twitter platform for some time, tweets that happen to contain visual content, always tend to receive more likes, shares, and retweets than those which do not have them. Brands should always strive to couple their tweets with some relatable accompanying image. However, that being said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with tweets that are solely text-based. Images just happen to be better poised to stop scrolling users and encourage them to take a look at your post before they move past it.

Harness the Power of Twitter Hashtags

You should think of hashtags as a concrete way of making your posts more searchable. Optimizing your tweets for proper hashtags can be comparable to performing an SEO on a website for better rankings. According to data and best practices that have been revealed by CoSchedule, tweets which contain at least one hashtag that is relatable to the content of the tweet happens to receive 12.6% more engagement than those which do not have them. However, that being said, you should be wary of trying to fill half of your tweets with just hashtags itself. Just make sure you tack on a couple of well researched and relatable hashtags to your tweet. It will give you an increased likelihood of new followers finding your account and following you.

This brings us to the end of our discussion on how to get more followers on Twitter. Now, let us know some of your personal tips on doing the same.