Everything about the Online Bookkeeping Jobs

Know about Online Bookkeeping Jobs

Are you good at numbers? Did you love to untangle knots? Do you like getting deep into all kinds of details? Do you love solving puzzles? If your answer is yes, then you will be happy becoming an online bookkeeper. An online bookkeeping job is one of the entry-level practices and can be done by sitting at home. Nowadays, more and more companies are hiring online bookkeepers who work from home. However, an interested person can easily find remote work from any company online in a more traditional model. We have shared information to let you know about online bookkeeping jobs.

What do bookkeepers do?

As bookkeeping is a part of the accounting process, it is much more than simply analyzing reports, setting budgets, and preparing taxes. A bookkeeper is someone who analyses reports, maintains the expenses records, and counts inventory. You often do not need an accounting degree for becoming an online bookkeeper. However, certain skills are compulsory to be learned.

  • Hard work is the most important tool.
  • Strong attention to detail is required. Checking something twice and even three times will make the data accurate.
  • A perfect bookkeeper has to be organized.
  • In the case of multiple clients, a bookkeeper must react as a multi-tasker.
  • To become a successful online bookkeeper, understanding clients is very essential. Clients must trust their bookkeeper with their finances.

Online Bookkeeping Jobs Earning

If you are working with an accounting or corporate firm, they may dictate your earnings. When starting a new online bookkeeper business, a person may earn more as the responsibilities increase. However, as the report was given by Bookkeeper launch, many graduates in America earn approx. $60 per hour. Moreover, an online platform ZipRecruiter has the national average at $58,358 bookkeepers per year, working from home.

Types of at-home Bookkeeping Jobs

There are two types of Bookkeeping jobs:

Work from home bookkeeping job: In this kind of job, people do online bookkeeping work. They contact such companies that provide online bookkeeping jobs.

Working directly for the company: Working directly for the company is the in-office bookkeeping job. The employees join a particular company to perform their bookkeeping job.

Online bookkeeping job is more convenient as compared to in-office bookkeeping job. Similarly, the biggest advantage of online bookkeeping is that it brings more and more work from different clients. However, the negativity to this bookkeeping job is that it has an intermediary in between. Because of the presence of an intermediary, a commission is charged, and the employee receives less salary.

Websites that Hire Bookkeepers

Many websites hire online bookkeepers:-

  1. Belay: Belay hires online or at-home bookkeepers as part of their general virtual assistant talent pool. Belay does not specialize in bookkeeping or accounting.
  2. ClickAccounts: If you are an accountant or a bookkeeper, this website is for you. This is the largest recruiter of online bookkeepers. 
  3. Accountingdepartment.com: If you wish to have a full-time home-based job, this is the right place for you. Moreover, they hire online bookkeepers and offer a full-time package to their employees.