All about the Trends Emerging in the Future of Digital Marketing

Future of Digital Marketing

Influencer marketing has now become a hot trend in marketing today. People generally trust brands now more than people. If a social media influencer brags something great about any brand, then in no time, the brand will reach the top. People generally love hearing positive information or feedback from people they trust about a product or experience. A social media influencer now has more weight and credibility than a brand. This is just a tiny part of Digital Marketing. The future of Digital Marketing holds a lot of superpowers in itself. 

Digital Marketing is about bringing and increasing the value of brands in front of customers by digital mediums. Although the growth in digital marketing is very stunning, the future of Digital Marketing is now very different from older methods of marketing. Digital Marketing has also emerged with technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science. So let’s take a sneak peek about what the future of Digital Marketing can offer you.

How Effective is Digital Marketing?

Brands have moved from traditional marketing methods to online digital marketing methods. Digital marketing trends offer a very appealing and engaging content to the audience. Moreover, the brands can have an organic reach without thinking about reachability. Brands who focus on conversational and speech accessible campaigns can easily see themselves on top of the ladder. The changes in digital marketing are happening with outstanding growth. Marketing has moved from banners to big data, and brands can see what their customer wants from the brand. Traditional digital marketing methods like- SEO, SEM, community management, etc. are experiencing drastic changes. Below are some trends which are now emerging in the future of digital marketing.

1. Voice Search

We all love talking to our phones and laptops. Whether it be Alexa or Cortana, voice searches are molding the way people search for different things. Yes, voice search is the number one trend that is emerging with digital marketing nowadays. In the US, 40% of people do at least one voice search daily. According to researchers, voice searches have planted their roots to grow more prominent in time. Voice searches can change the way of searching. By 2022, nearly 50% of searches will be voice searches. As consumers are adapting voice searches at this rate, marketers should consider changing their techniques to the new ones.

2. Video Streaming

Video is “the new big thing” that has already given marketers a pinch of future trends of marketing. YouTube is right now the second most popular website online, leaving Facebook behind. Netflix has just pushed a start towards media content. Many big companies are moving to video streaming to compete with other brands. Video-based ads are a new source of income as people tend to binge-watch every series or movie. 

3. Quality Over Quantity

In the current scenario, people are asking for quality, not quantity. Thousands of articles, blogs, images, videos, and audios have the same niche, but the one with the excellent content is winning the hearts of the audience. If you have a lot of quantity, trust me, no one will choose you, and if you can make the best quality content, then it is yours.