How to Start Investing: A Guide for Beginners

To start investing, first, you have to get the strategies based on the amount you’ll invest and the returns make sense to your investment. On the bases of your daily expenses, like your debt payments, groceries, bill payments and many more you can afford even when you are investing.

Firstly you have to figure out what to and how much to invest. Here are some important measures to start investing:

  • Start investing as early as possible
  • Decide how much you can invest
  • Open an investment annuity account
  • Understand option given according to your investment
  • Pick a suitable investment strategy. 

Start investing as early as possible

If you start investing when you are young, it will be the best way to see solid returns on your investments. Compound interest is something that makes your returns earn their own. For example, if you invested $200 per month on the interest of 6% average annual return for 10 years. It will be $24,000 you have invested, and you will get $9,100 as your interest in investment. 

As you know, there will be ups and downs in the stock market. But starting young will give you time for beneficial returns. Start early, no matter if you start with small. 

Decide how much you can start Investing

How much to invest basically depends on your investment goals. If you are planning for long term investments, such as a retirement plan then you should go for 10% to 15% of your income. Retirement investing will take time and patients but will pay off in the end.

But if you are planning for other investing goals, consider the time period and amount of returns you need. Then you can manage your investment monthly or weekly accordingly. 

 Open an investment account and steps involved in it

For opening an investment account, you have to choose the right brokerage account, which is not a difficult task. Decide the type of account you want, and then start comparing the stock brokers. 

Choose the best one which meets your needs. 

How to open an investment account, here’s the step-by-step details:

  • Find the type of brokerage account or annuity you need
  • Compare the cost and incentives 
  • Consider the services offered
  • Decide a brokerage firm or insurance carrier
  • Fill out the account application   
  • Fund the account.

There are two types of brokerage accounts or annuities you can choose, one is a traditional account, and the other is an IRA (retirement account). 

The traditional account includes a tax on investment returns, but you can withdraw an amount any time according to your terms. IRA is a retirement account used for the long term. 

Understand investment options

There are many ways to get started investing. Some of the options are:

  • Stocks
  • Mutual funds
  • Bonds
  • Exchange-traded funds
  • Fixed Annuities
  • Index Annuities
  • MYG Annuities

Pick an investing strategy

Investing strategies depends on your investing goals (long term or short term goals). And how much you invest, and the time period you need to get the returns. According to these conditions you can choose the stocks to be invested.