Monetize social media followers

The Best Ways to Monetize Your Social Media Followers :

When we have to monetize social media followers, the first and foremost thing is knowing who are our real passionate followers and concentrate more on them. For example, if you have an Instagram account and you have talent in homesteading, or living off the land growing your own food, these followers might be interested in organic farming. At this time you can know your real followers by asking them to pay for the annual membership; where community members can join and learn more through collaborating both with you, and with each other. 

Kathleen, a florist with her own shop in Australia, monetizes her Instagram followers with an online business school for florists. Here she hosts both a membership community with a monthly subscription and a paid online business course for aspiring professional florists, where members can master the business of floral design together. If you’re trying to decide whether you too can monetize your social media following, simply follow these two points:

1. Knowing who are your passionate followers:

Monetizing your social media followers isn’t about all of your social media followers. It’s about identifying and connecting the ones that are the most motivated today to go deeper with you and your niche. Start by looking to monetize these social media followers first. They will be the easiest to reach initially and benefit the most from a paid membership or online course. We can also confirm them by asking them to join the paid community. 

2. What type of transformation could I offer my most passionate followers with a program, online course, or annual membership?

Once you’ve sorted out what your most passionate followers have in common, and what kind of results they are the most motivated to get today, you can take the next step towards social monetization. 

Create an online course which educate the followers

Makeup and design artist Tiff was introduced to Kajabi by her mentor, who had already achieved success through the platform. Once she set up her Kajabi website, these videos actually became part of her course training materials. From there, momentum began to build as her social presence grew and her online educational program took flight.

Unveil new products and services to your followers

In order to get sales from your audience, you would like to possess something to sell. If you want to add a layer of “exclusivity” to your product releases, you could give your social audiences early access to products and deals to create a sense of urgency and privilege. Just make certain once you are promoting these links to your social followers that you are honest with them about your affiliate status and the items you’re highlighting; pandering will get you nowhere, except maybe unfollowed.

Monetize your social media by combining an online course and community membership

When it comes to monetizing your social media accounts, you don’t have to choose between hosting a paid membership site and creating exclusive online courses. The best way to mobilize and monetize your social media followers is to do both. That means creating a membership that’s valuable enough to charge for and combining that with an online course to help your most passionate members master something interesting or important to them.

This combination creates a framework that allows your members to build relationships with each other. It also helps each other stay true to the new habits they’re developing. These connections they make around the topics that are most important to them are what gives them the incentive to come back and renew their subscription year after year. Once you make the decision to monetize your social media account with both community and courses, the next step is to find a platform that lets you offer both.