3 Best Ways to Apply for the United States Green Card

How to Apply for the United States Green Card

A green card is key to becoming a resident of the United States. The legal residence permit is the formal term for a green card. Holding a green card lets you stay and work legally in the U.S. Essentially, there are three ways to get a green card. These ways to get a green card include family members, the employer, or any other special reasons. Receiving a green card is a lengthy process, so we’re going to share the best possible ways to apply for a green card.

Green Card by Family member

The best way to get a green card is through a family member. You can apply for a green card if you are a close relative of a U.S. resident or a green cardholder. It is one of the quickest methods to get permanent legal residency.

If you are a close relative of an American citizen, this is the easiest way to get a green card. U.S. residents are permitted to petition married couples, unmarried children under the age of 21, and parents over the age of 21. To use USCIS Form I-130 Petition for an Alien Relation, the U.S. resident must legally create a relationship for this.

Relatives who are not in the U.S. must go through consular screening. Once the Department of State issues them a visa, they will get a green card when they enter the United States. If your immediate relative is a holder of a green card, the procedure is almost the same. But it certainly takes longer. When you get married or turn 21 years old, things change, and immigration laws states that you will have to wait for a long duration to get a green card via a U.S. citizen parent.

Green Card by Job

This category of green cards is quite broad since it is not just about your employer. It also includes incentives to receive a green card by investments or specialist jobs. If you have received a job offer for permanent employment in the United States, your employer can be part of your green card petition.

If investors put enough money into U.S. companies, they will get green cards. Entrepreneurs who invest at least $1 million in a new business or $500,000 in a business in a targeted area of employment may then apply for a green card. Also, if you have exceptional skills, you can get a green card. That is an incredibly unusual way of having a leaf. You may also receive a green card if you fall into a special category of jobs.

Seeking Asylum or a Being a Refugee

Immigrants who have entered the U.S. as a refugee or are seeking asylum may apply for a green card one year after their entry in the country. That also refers to immediate family members to those seeking asylum.