10 Best Financial Books Every Woman Needs To Read

10 Best Financial Books Every Woman Needs to Read

Listed below are the top 10 books in the financial category that every woman needs to read! Go ahead and take a look at them right away!

1. Sacred Success

Written by the author Barbara Stanny, this book explores the notion that success is not simply determined by your paycheck. The book touches on how the reader can increase their net worth and build a meaningful and powerful life.

2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Written by Robert Kiyosaki, this book debunks the myth that you must earn a very high salary to be wealthy. He teaches important concepts about money through his very own personal experiences.

3. Prince Charming Isn’t Coming

Another great book authored by Barbara Stanny, this one rings just as true now as it happened to do when it was released in the year 2007. It thoroughly examines the belief that marriage, for women, can serve as a de facto financial plan and goes on to dismantle that idea, piece by piece.

4. All Your Worth

This book was written by U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and her daughter Amelia Warren Tyagi. This particular book shows how you can gain control of your finances by simplifying your mindset and dividing your spending into three categories which are: must-haves, wants, and savings.

5. Your Money Or Your Life

This book is based on a very simple, yet groundbreaking premise – Every day you go to work to exchange your time for money. The author recommends that you focus on how many hours of work you must do to buy the goods and services you want or need instead of focusing on money.

6. Million Dollar Women

This book written by Julia Pimsleur, helps women to hit the million-dollar mark and then keep going. Readers are introduced to several women that includes Pimsleur herself, via whom they can get inspired for their own journey.

7. The Total Money Makeover

Written by Dave Ramsey, this book tends to take a hard line on the common mistakes many of us make when it comes to money. He slams various practices such as overusing credit, living above our means and trying to keep up with the “Joneses”.

8. Money Rules- The Simple Path To Lifelong Security

In this book, Chatzky lays out 90 evergreen and straightforward wealth-building rules that can help remove the stress associated with money. Her simple rules hugely demystify personal finances and make the readers rethink their financial decisions.

9. The Feminine Mistake

This particular book proves to the readers that it is, in fact, very possible for women to have a satisfying career along with successful home life. It also points out how having a rock-solid career is absolutely integral for the long-term financial security of a woman.

10. I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Written by Ramit Sethi, this book approaches the subject of wealth in a very straightforward, no-nonsense style which resonates with the readers. He makes it very clear that you needn’t be the smartest person in the room to be rich. However, you do need to get started right away.

This brings us to the end of our discussion on the 10 best financial books every woman needs to read. Also, here are the top 6 financial books to invest money in the best possible way. Now, do let us know, some of your own thoughts and opinions on the topic.