Know about A/B Testing for your Content Blog

A/B testing is of great importance because different audiences behave in different ways. Something that might work for one company may not work for another. In fact, that is the exact reason why no one can determine what is best for a brand. But A/B testing is a complex procedure as well. You need to be careful. It is possible to make incorrect assumptions about what people like and what makes them click on a website. But these decisions could easily misinform other parts of your strategy. That is why it is important to consider all aspects before planning your strategy. In this article, we will discuss A/B testing for your content blog.

A/B Testing for Your Content Blog

On-Site Test

The first step while planning an A/B testing for your content blog is to figure out what is it that you want to test. You need to decide if you are running an on-site test or an off-site test. If you are planning to run an on-site test, you will have to think of all the sales-related pieces of your website. You also need to figure out which elements you want to test.

Off-Site Test

If you choose an off-site test, you are probably testing either an advertisement or a sales email. Testing a copy of an advertisement to see which one brings in more converting visitors could help you focus your advertising efforts. You need to be aware of your advertisement conversion as much as possible, that way it is easier to justify spending more money on it. The same goes for emails. You can randomly select which half gets which email, that way you can send out two versions to your list. It is then possible to track which one converts better. You can choose to send that version only, the next time.

Call to Action

Once you have determined what you want to test, you need to make a list of all the variables you wish to test. Say that you have decided to test your call to action. In that case you might want to test the location of the call to action and the exact text used. You might also want to test the button color or the surrounding space. It is a process and it is common for multiple A/B tests. It is supposed to be carried out prior to making a final decision or a final change.

Baseline Result

You need to make sure that you have a clear idea of the results you are looking for before you start testing . You should already be aware of your baseline result which refers to the results you’re currently getting. You may be planning to test option A and B against each other. Along with that you might also want to know that whichever one does better in the test is also doing better than your current results. Alternatively, you could also use option A as your control which means you could leave it as whatever you’re currently using, then you can use something new for option B.