Tricks to Find The Right Keywords to Rank Top in Google

Ranking at the top in Google is quite difficult. If you are a new website, you must understand the way in which Google works. For your website to rank high, you must follow certain steps carefully. Although no one can guarantee that your results will appear on top always, it can certainly help your page. In this article, you will find tricks to find the right keywords to rank at the top in Google.

Tricks to Find the Right Keywords to Rank at the Top in Google

Establish a Foundation:

The most important step is to establish a foundation. These are the prerequisites if you want to rank at the top of Google search results. It helps if your website is old and has had time to acquire authority and links. Do not try to rush the process of finding a keyword. Take your time to find the base of your website. You can research and understand the foundation of your website. Having a focused foundation will help page ranking.

Be Ready With Adequate Research:

Research is essential for growth. It is recommended to use several keyword tools. These tools help get a sense of the search volume for the keyword as well as the competition. Thus, it is important before you conclude a keyword. Always choose a keyword that is relevant to your business. This means that the search results with the keyword should be worthwhile. Also, ensure that you choose a keyword with good context to it, but not too much volume. The keyword should be precise but vast. It should help your website channel across several platforms while also being precise to your website.

Keep an Eye Out for Your Competition:

It is important to keep an eye out for potential competition. Once you have selected a keyword, you need to go to Google. Then, you need to check what other results appear after you have typed the selected keywords. This is your competition. You should pay close attention to their URLs, titles, and the type of content on their website. You also need to check types of businesses that are ranking, as well as how authoritative those sites are. Take note of the keywords in which your competition is using. You must ensure that your keywords are more precise and better.

Put Yourself in the Shoes of the Audience:

This means that you need to be able to guess what your potential audience would type. Think about what they would be searching, then guess what their keywords would be. This will help you select the right keyword to rank number 1 in the search results. Keywords can be generated when you understand what the audience wants. Putting yourself in their shoes will help you come up with more creative and better keywords than your competitors.


These are the various methods through which you can find the right keywords to rank at the top in Google. These methods can also help you gain a larger audience, and understanding these methods will help your page rank higher. These are simple keyword tricks that can help make your website Google friendly.