Know About 5 Tips On Modern Challenges For B2B Marketers

Modern Challenges for B2B Marketers

As of now, B2B marketers are often incentivized to win quickly. Sure, everyone happens to have a long term strategy, but the need of meeting acquisition-focused KPIs is simply too overwhelming. Mentioned below are some of the modern challenges that are faced by B2B marketers.

Providing Qualified Leads to the Sales Team Faster

There are too many problems with turning MQLs aka ‘marketing qualified leads’ into SQLs. Your sales team might just end up declaring that the MQLs you are passing to them are of low quality. Or, alternatively, you might be failing to generate enough MQLs as well. Sometimes, the benchmarks are simply unrealistic. These issues will continue to challenge B2B marketers going forward in 2020, as well.

Understanding the Customer Journey

B2B marketers, by understanding the customer journey as a whole, make better decisions as it helps them figure out what part of the journey might require more meaningful content and optimized touch points. However, even when equipped with the most accurate customer journey map, being able to guide the entire marketing team’s way is a large task, as there are too many variables which one needs to keep track of.

Meeting all the GDPR and Privacy Related Standards

One of the latest additions to the impending list of challenges for B2B marketers is the GDPR and Privacy Standards. While all of the above mentioned B2B marketing challenges aren’t easy, they are enjoyable to tackle. It is rare finding a marketer who happens to be happy when given the task of meeting these requirements. 

Being Focused

Moving forward in the year 2020, there will be many new hacks and strategies that a B2B marketer might be itching to try. Now and then a new tutorial or article tends to pop up which promises things such as rapid Instagram growth or automated lead generation and so on. Thus, it is a big task to not get distracted and stay on the initial pathway.

Tackling Different Customer Types

In the B2B space, almost all companies tend to have multiple target audiences. Companies often sell to different user personas such as a creative head and a graphic designer. They might have one user type, such as a marketing executive, but also a decision-maker who isn’t the intended user, such as the VP of marketing. All of these personas, roles, user types, and industries happen to have their very own set of unique problems. As a B2B marketer, specifically addressing them and creating content that meets their specific needs becomes the key to building an audience.

Often, content teams end up struggling to build an audience for one persona or niche itself. Thus, it becomes almost impossible to create the same for multiple personas.

This brings us to the end of our discussion on modern challenges for b2b marketers. Now, do let us know some of your own personal thoughts and opinions on the same.