Know About The Instagram Algorithm Works in 2020

How the Instagram algorithm works in 2020

If you are someone who believes that Instagram rolls out a new version of its algorithm every few weeks, then you are wrong. It simply isn’t true. Based on the large amount of data it happens to gain every minute of every day, the Instagram algorithm is changing all of the time. The algorithm happens to be powered by machine learning. This means that any new behavioral patterns or trends will be factored into how it works. That being said, in 2020, six key factors influence the way the Instagram algorithm works. These are – interest, relationship, timeliness frequency, following, and usage.

Instagram Feed

As a marketer, you already know that your Instagram feed isn’t simply based on who you follow, but it is also based on who and what you like on the platform. If the Instagram algorithm happens to think you will ‘like’ a certain post, then its chances of appearing in your feed become higher. This affirms what you see in your Instagram feed is a combination of all of your behaviors on the social media platform.

Instagram Algorithm For Engagement

According to Instagram, the most important factor for engagements when it comes to photos are comments, likes, and re-shares, while for videos, it is the number of views. Also, one must account for ‘saves’ as well, though IG hasn’t listed it as a key indicator for engagement because they are slowly doing away with likes in many countries

The Instagram algorithm happens to prioritize showing its users posts from their friends, family and accounts that they care about. Thus, it uses your usual interactions to piece together what it will show you in the feed. For instance, if you are commenting on a lot of someone’s photos lately or are tagged in photos with them, then this signals to IG that they are probably in your “friends and family” category.


Last year, Thomas Dimson who is a software engineer at Instagram, shared how Instagram happens to theoretically find out who you care about the most, based on how you use the app. Instagram’s algorithm happens to take into account – users whose content you like regularly, users whom you direct message, users you actively search for, and lastly users who are in your contacts. This is something that holds for the Instagram algorithm in 2020 as well, because when you recently follow someone, you are most likely to see a lot of their content in your feed. Now, if you don’t seem to engage with it, then it signals to Instagram that you might not be that interested anymore. 


Instagram is all about consistency in 2020. You can do this either by posting to your stories or feed every day. It will help you in a massive way with engagement and make sure that your posts are seen by the algorithm.

This brings us to the end of our discussion on how the Instagram algorithm works in 2020. Now, do let us know some of your own personal thoughts and opinions on the same.