Everything about Cookie-Based Marketing

Cookie-Based Marketing

A web cookie which is also known as an HTTP cookie is a tiny snippet of data that happens to get added to the user’s web browser when they are visiting a particular website. The code is stored in the browser of the user over a period of time, which in most cases is set by its creators or until the user decides to delete it. This particular cookie happens to change the way the browser interacts with certain pages and is used by digital marketers to facilitate various functions, some of which are mentioned below. In this article, we are discussing everything about cookie-based marketing.

Cookies for Site Retargeting

As a digital marketer, a retargeting pixel (which is a tiny unit of code) on your webpage can leave a cookie in the visiting user’s browser, which can later be used to display your adverts to them. When they visit certain websites within the retargeting network (for example, the Google Display Network), you can very easily set this cookie to communicate in different ways with your advertising service, based on how your users have interacted with your site when they initially visited it. For instance, if the user happened to look at a certain product page before navigating away, the cookie will record this and instruct the retargeting service to serve an advert for that particular product specifically. This type of site retargeting is known as personalized retargeting or dynamic creative.

Cookies for Search Retargeting

Cookies also help display your adverts on third-party websites based on the user’s previous web search activities. This is known as search retargeting (not to be confused with search advertising).

Link Retargeting

Link retargeting is a great digital marketing tactic that happens to work by adding cookies to a user’s browser when they access a certain website or a webpage via a certain link. It is important to note here that both the link and the webpage must be controlled by the advertiser. Using the link retargeting strategy on a brand’s social media account, a marketer can extract and segment social media audiences for other online marketing purposes very easily.

Display Ad-Based Email Retargeting

When using this marketing tactic, a web cookie first gets added to a user’s browser when they open a promotional email that contains a tracking pixel. This cookie then gets used to trigger display ads on various third-party sites. You must note here that display ad-based email retargeting works only when the email gets opened using an email service that is browser-based.

Email Retargeting 

By using email retargeting, a digital marketer can send emails to users who have previously visited the brand’s website when a particular user visits the advertiser’s website. This type of email retargeting identifies the user’s IP address after which it cross-checks it with its pool of collected email addresses.

This brings us to the end of our discussion on cookie-based marketing. Now, do let us know some of your own personal thoughts and opinions on the same.