How to Create a Culture of Testing and Customization

How to Create a Culture of Testing and Customization

In 2020, where brands such as Amazon and Netflix are leading the way by providing its users with excellent customer experiences, marketers can’t afford to not create a culture of testing and customization. A recent study that was conducted by Verint Systems revealed that both businesses and consumers are more likely to switch brands after a bad experience and not because the product turned out to be bad. Thus, testing out strategies and then customizing or tailoring them to the needs of individual users must always be the topmost priority of a company going forward in the future.

If you, as a business leader or marketer, can build a culture of testing and customization and aren’t afraid of ‘failing forward’ then you will end up creating a great customer experience. Thus, go ahead and read how you can do so below!

Put the Data to Work

In 2020, all of the information that you could ever want as a marketer or brand is an internet connection away. This is why you must be ready to implement and play around with the data. You are gathering your users to sharpen your marketing message. The ability to collect data equals an obligation to put the data to work.

Be Cross-Functional at Work

When you are at work, you need to constantly cross-check your efforts with the demand generation team. Meet with your demand generation team and ad operations team on at least a bi-weekly basis. Start examining which campaigns are working the best and which aren’t. This will help you optimize and iterate. Think about what your brand should create more of and what should it create less of.

Be Completely Fearless

In general, people only tend to challenge their current way of thinking when in a crisis mode. Unfortunately, at that point, it is often too late. This is why you must start experimentation and ‘failing forward’ as soon as possible. Failing forward happens to be the concept of getting ahead by being fearless and not worrying about failing. Failures always lead to an effort to improve. You must be willing to fail for the sake of being proactive rather than being reactive. As of now, the need for braver and bolder content has become extremely vital in an increasingly noisy space. Thus, it is okay for you to allow yourself to take data-driven intelligent risks. 

Make Sure You are Documenting the Strategy

The most effective content marketers deeply understand what successful content marketing happens to look like and thus document their marketing strategy in excruciating details. Almost 63% of the most effective B2C marketers and 53% of the most effective B2B marketers always have a documented strategy. This helps them realize where exactly they went wrong and how can they improve their efforts to better customize the customer experience for their users

This brings us to the end of our discussion on how to create a culture of testing and customization. Now, do let us know some of your thoughts and opinions on the same.