How Brands can use Instagram Stories to Connect with the Audience

Tips on how brands can use stories to connect with an audience on Instagram

Amidst COVID-19 shutdowns, it is difficult for marketers to understand where they are placed. They are in search of techniques that can help them understand how and when to connect with the audience. As per the researchers, customers are still open to brand messaging during the crises. The key is the situational analysis and reaching people at the right time, and the right way is essential for effectiveness. To help the audience with this, Instagram has shared some key tips on how brands can connect with the audience via Instagram stories. Here are some key points to consider:

Make it easy for people to support your brand

The first tip for promoting your brand while using Instagram stories is by using Instagram’s new gift card. You can also add the food ordering stickers in your story frame. Additionally, you can save your stories from maximizing the responses and reaching for the audience. 

Share your story

Instagram believes that the brands should consider the situations in COVID -19 and share behind the scenes insights. The businesses should look to address key issues and help the communities and suppliers. 

Uplift and inform

Instagram also advises the brands to share positive stories about different aspects like sacrifice and kindness and support health and safety messages from trusted sources. According to research conducted by Twitter, customers usually look for the brand to support the exact information and assist their local communities. Along with the vital advice, Instagram points out the need for tools for brands such as its homestay sticker to reinforce key health messages. 

Start a conversation

To engage with the customer, brands should use the question stickers to engage with the customers and ask about their feelings. Instagram recommends its customers use tools like countdown stickers to build engagement around digital events.

Answer the FAQs

Instagram suggests that brands consider using stories to answer some of the common questions that is usually received. This will help them clarify what is happening within the business. 

Engage your community

Using this, Instagram notices that people usually share when they like to express themselves. The brands could tap into this by providing templates and challenges for people to re-share their stories. They can also tag their friends. 


These are some of the useful tips by which you can understand the way to utilize stories in the best possible manner to connect the maximum audience.  Considering the increasing use of stories, it is worth understanding the fact that these stories can impact businesses to a great extent. Facebook reported that stories are on track to overtake the news feed as the primary social sharing destination. It becomes the most effective way to communicate with the younger generations. Therefore it is wise to gain knowledge on how to use stories. These are the Instagram tips on how brands can use stories to connect with the audience.