Know About Podcast Statistics For 2020

Podcast Statistics for 2020

As of right now in 2020, awareness and the usage of podcasts are continually rising in the United States. It is majorly driven by an explosion in new podcast programming and consumer adoption of smart speakers such as Amazon Echo and Google Home devices. Quite recently the infinite dial cover 2020 podcast statistics from Edison Research and Triton Digital were released. This study happens to now be in its 22nd year. Thus, it is widely regarded as one of the finest sources of research on audio habits and podcasting. Let’s take a look at some of the key highlights from this report below!

75% of Americans are familiar with Podcasting in 2020

As of right now, 75% of Americans are familiar with Podcasting in 2020. This is approximately 212 million individuals. Also, it must be noted that this is an increase of more than 10 million in one single year.

In 2020, 55% of Americans have reported having listened to at least one podcast. From 2019, this has increased by 51%. Thus it shows that roughly three-quarters of the people who happen to be familiar with podcasts have listened to one.

Podcast Listeners Have Grown By 37.5% in 3 Years

In the past 3 years, podcast listeners have grown by 37.5%. 40% of Americans who were 12 or older had listened to a podcast in 2017, compared to the 55% in 2020.

More than a whopping 100 million Americans happened to listen to at least one podcast each month for the first time in 2020. It must also be noted that monthly podcast listeners have grown by close to 54% in 3 years.

24% of Americans listen to Podcasts in 2017

In the year 2017, 24% of Americans who were twelve or older were listening to podcasts every month which is less when compared to 2020, when the figures jumped to 37%.

42% of Americans aged between 12-34 listen to Podcasts in 2020

In 2020, half of the Americans who are aged between 12-34 listen to podcasts every single month. 49% of all Americans between the age of 12-34 have reported listening to at least one podcast per month, compared to 42% in 2019.

29% of Americans aged 55 and above listen to Podcasts in 2019-2020

From 2019 to 2020, the percentage of Americans aged 55 and above who listen to podcasts monthly has increased by 29%. At present, nearly one-quarter of all the consumers who are 55 and above in the United States are listening to podcasts every month.

In 2020, for the very first time, a large percentage of American consumers happened to listen to podcasts weekly than attended church or other religious services. The figures stood at 24% to 23%. As of right now, 68 million Americans are weekly podcast listeners.

The above-mentioned podcast statistics for 2020 show how the podcast listening phenomenon is continuing to soar. This brings us to the end of our discussion on this particular topic. Now do let us know some of your thoughts and opinions on the same. Also, let us know if you are someone who listens to podcasts as well.