Tag: 401(k) Plan
How to Withdraw Money Before Your Retirement
How to Withdraw Money Before Your RetirementDuring times of uncertainty, people might need emergency cash, and their...
Should You Dip into Retirement Savings?
Should You Dip Into Retirement Savings?The current pandemic has caused people to lose their employment. This...
How to Set Up a 401(k) Plan on Your First Day...
Your first day of work is combined with meeting new people, getting your employee ID, and learning your way around. But don’t...
Know the Difference between 401(k) and 403(b) Plans
OverviewThe 403(b) & 401(k) are the qualified tax-advantaged retirement plans offered by employers. The main difference between...
The 4 Tax Deadlines that are Approaching
In 2020, federal taxes are outstanding by July 15. Initially, the tax deadlines were April 15, but the government of the United...
The Ultimate Guide Regarding Cash Balance Plans for Retirement Savers
Most company owners and CPAs just think about 401(k), and Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plans are deferred retirement plans. But there's another...
10 Most Common 401k Mistakes to Avoid
Common 401 (k) plan Mistakes to be AvoidedNot participating in your 401 (k) plan