What Does a Digital Marketer Do and Niche in The Industry

Digital Marketer Defined

Digital marketing has its own industry niche, including basic marketing strategies and creative skills. If you are considering the digital marketing industry, understanding what digital marketers do is a good place to begin. In general, a digital marketer uses digital channels to generate brand awareness. 

Digital channels include

  • Company websites
  • Social media
  • Search engine (SEO) rankings
  • Email marketing
  • Online display ads
  • Corporate blogs

Beyond this, the digital marketer also uses measurable analytics to find ways to improve performance across their channels. A digital marketer is responsible for all aspects of a company’s digital strategy across several different departments. They drive relevant consumers with improving brand awareness and also drive purchase intent. As a digital marketer, you can choose to focus on one or two skills, coding, or how important content is to social media.

Overall skills and what digital marketer does includes:


It’s hard to catch people’s attention online, whereas video increases engagement while ranking higher on Google. A digital marketer is focused on the basics of creating a video, and what works in videos will add to your appeal. 


Digital marketers understand search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM). To work in the field, it’s about understanding the best practices used in the industry. Any digital marketing content management initiative has these overall skills. It’s an understanding of how SEO and SEM affect your online efforts.

Content Marketing

Content is what digital marketers do to engage customers; whether it is a website, video, or blogging. Understanding the aspects of content and how best to use it will provide information.  

Data and Analytics

Google Analytics is central to many facets of digital marketing to track reports that will drive traffic. This is what digital marketers do using data to retain new customers, and post new content.

Design Thinking

The user experience is what digital marketers do to engage customers, and ensure that their online experience is effective. This includes online shopping sites, accessing information, and customized apps.

Tech Knowledge

Technology is the driving force, and a digital marketer understands how it is being used, such as adapting quickly to changes and knowing what’s coming, no matter where you want to begin. Tech knowledge includes having some knowledge of web coding and Content Management (CMS) systems. 

Understand Engagement

More than ever before, digital marketers understand how best to engage a customer. They need great powers to conceive innovative campaigns that will help grow the business and understand what gets today’s consumer to convert to making a purchase.

It is not enough to just get people to follow social media pages. Digital marketers persuade fellow departments and leaders. They know where to put the money from SEO to content and the best way to keep people on board.