
In general, there is a doubt that, is life insurance taxable or not. Taxation is not necessary if the premiums are below 10% or 20% of the insured one. Life insurance is the medium, which fulfills the requirement of the insured person for their family. People look for life insurance plans that proceeds simply to pay off debts or to replace the insured income in the sudden demise. There are viable life insurance policies to get tax benefits as per the income tax act,1961.

 As per this section, the sum of the amount as per assured or bonus paid on the maturity of the policy on the sudden death of the insured are completely tax-free given to the nominee. Whereas, this means the received amount can be fully used for pay off debts or other use.

The term life insurance provides only pure death benefits but not the bonus. But permanent life insurance policies provide differently. They provide death benefits coverage plus cash value as per assured amount that builds up a substantial amount of tax-deferred savings.

There are many permanent life insurance policies available to secure taxation or to make tax-free coverage. That includes whole life insurance, universal life insurance, variable universal life insurance, indexed universal life insurance.

Is Single Premium Life Insurance are eligible for tax-free benefits? 

It’s not necessary for a life insurance policyholders to pay continuous premiums. It’s possible to pay a single premium and get equal benefits. There is single premium life insurance as well (SPLI), which provides similar benefits that normal life insurance gives.

The term police of SPLI is usually for 10 years, one can close it after 5 years. As to get tax-free benefits you should carefully choose the SPLI policy. And check your beneficiary estate should not cross 10 percent of the estate you pay.

When life insurance isn’t taxable? 

The most important point for selling life insurance proceeds is to get tax-free benefits. Situation includes:

  • Payouts to beneficiaries: Life Insurance is usually bought to pay your beneficiaries on your sudden death. They need not have to pay any taxes in what they receive unless the proceeds become your estate and the estate is more enough to be taxable. 
  • Payouts to spouse: Even if your estate is more enough to be taxable, your spouse will be excluded from estate taxes.
  • Cash value gains: The payouts are given on sudden demise of insured, as permanent policies build up the cash value of life insurance. The gain in the cash value of insurance is not subjected to income tax. 
  • Dividends: These are the amount paid by some mutual insurance companies to their policyholders each year in the form of dividends. These dividends are not taxable unless they are more than your premium amount. 

 When Life Insurance is taxable?

  • Interest in payouts: The amount paid to the beneficiaries after you die. Instead of taking the lump sum amount they prefer to get in installment. The company will add interest to the installment and that interest is taxable.
  • Profit on surrendering a cash value policy: When you surrender a life insurance policy, which builds up more cash value paid as premiums. The exceeded amount in cash value is taxable.
  • Unpaid loans against your policy: In permanent life insurance you are benefitted to take loans on your cash value. If the loan interest is not paid regularly or you surrender the insurance before the completion of the loan amount, then you will owe taxes for the remaining balanced loan.
  • Profits from the insurance settlements: In this case, if you sell your life insurance policy to someone else and they start paying your premiums and get the payouts when you die. The proceeds you get through this settlement will be taxable. 

In conclusion : 

The tax implements depend on the type of life insurance policy you have chosen. So make sure that you have already read the terms and conditions of your policy.