Best Tips on How to Accelerate your Company LinkedIn Page

How to Accelerate your Company’s LinkedIn Page

The 2019 statistics of LinkedIn tells why companies should have a well established LinkedIn page. According to data:

  • There are more than 30 million companies on LinkedIn.
  • LinkedIn has about three times more successful lead generation systems in comparison with Twitter or Facebook.

Though LinkedIn can filter out the results based on the user’s requirement to bring up the company’s name on the search platform, the company still needs to optimize their page. As the LinkedIn algorithm keeps modifying, here are the best ways by which companies can optimize their pages on LinkedIn:

1. Optimize for SEO

An SEO friendly LinkedIn page will help the page to be more visible to the users. It helps the customer find the page more easily and provide detailed information. The information may include the types of products being offered and the services been provided. 

Companies can optimize their LinkedIn profile by doing the following:

  • Sharing engaging and relevant content on their website regularly.
  • Inserting keywords and phrases on their company’s profile.
  • Creating links to their company’s profile by adding to their blog, official websites, and promotional materials.

2. Publish and share content on LinkedIn

Publishing content regularly on the social media platform irrespective of their names will help to boost the audience for your business. It helps to target large audiences in the right geographic. 

Companies can take advantage of this by posting at least three to four times a week. The posting could include contents like media slideshows, articles, and videos on LinkedIn. The aim of content creation is to engage a large number of audience. 

Additionally, confirming the power of content creation is the statistics. It has been stated that the content receives 9 billion impressions per week. 

3. Add strategic hashtags to posts

LinkedIn has encouraged its audience to post and search for industry-specific hashtags. Companies should add strategic hashtags to their posts and comments. This professional platform provides its users with more than 200 hashtags categories. Let us discuss some ways to use hashtags:

  • Use hashtags to keep track of clients.
  • Reach out to influencers – this will help the business to draw more and more attention.
  • Create hashtags for prospects.
  • Add tags based on locations – locally, nationally, or internationally. 
  • Follow the four-one-one rule – For every four pieces of new content the business or company publishes, one post and one self-serving post have to be reposted.

Companies can repost posts of another user. It allows a business to build relations with another company or brand. A self-serving post is also a great option. It helps to promote your business to your customer. Self-serving posts include some important announcements, links to their website, or the content they have recently created. The companies do not need to create fashionable content each time. They can post the content of some other website or the company to target a particular sector or group of people.