Coronavirus Scams that you must know
Corona-virus, the life-sucking viral disease which is a highly dangerous one and contagious, so the government has announced lock-down now. During this period fake news has come across to us every day on corona-virus, so get the correct news, and get rid of the scams on Corona-virus. Now a day’s lots of fake news are coming on this Corona-virus outbreak. In severe conditions criminals start using text messages, emails, online advertisements, phone calls, and social media posts in order to defraud their own unsuspecting victims. Few scams like this email are infected and thus telling them to download it as an excel document, then rush to the nearest health clinic for testing purposes, this excel file is highly infected with malware.
Fake Emails :
Many emails indicate that you have won several hundred thousand dollars, to get them money you need to pay an advance fee of just $500-$1000, etc. All these are the fake messages, don’t believe in it. If you believe it you will lose your money. Now the emails are mostly getting focused on elderly people, selling prepaid funerals, and also the power of attorney facilities.
One of the scams is that emails provide free vouchers in order to help the people during the Coronavirus outbreak. The email has the fraud link which is not true. Email provides coronavirus insurance coverage. It thereby provides a link to documents, insurances cannot be brought against the coronavirus.
Social media postings, text messages, and emails that advertise coronavirus testing kits for domestic usage, for business purposes in order to test the workforce of them. Actually, this kind of thing does not exist at all. It’s completely fake news don’t believe it. Many mails which states that you have been charged now pay the penalty amount for not obeying the rules in the breakdown period.
From the department of education they provide fraud mails and messages that offer free school meal programs for children, so please do the funds you can provide. At the last, it asks for bank details for the transaction. It is false news, never believe it. Due to the corona outbreak now the schools are closed. Then how it is possible to happen.
Fake Advertisements :
Advertisements that are fake one comes for the masks, sanitizers, vaccines. Even there is an ad that says that coronavirus can be cured now with this awesome medicine, but actually that has chemicals that are much more harmful. Some statements strongly say that these are charities please helm them out through your valuable donation. But it is absolutely wrong news. Fake and fraud advertisement it is. Now there are lots of scams like text messages, emails, and posts that provide a diagnosis of coronavirus.
Some particular emails saying now you can change the full savings money into high money in return. It’s very simple just you call us we do the needful. Some link they sent to visit by the customer, it is a fake one. Because if you click the link it never opens and goes to a fraud website. This asks for all the confidential details, which you shouldn’t give.
To safeguard the public, the advertisement that you see or the products you order online to be safe in the mode of payment. First of all, do not believe what you read is a true statement, it’s mostly fake news. Since now everyone is locked at home we people concentrate much online, so they use this trick to make the public fools and start cheating. Don’t believe them. Before doing anything does cross verification, have double time thinking in order to safeguard you.