How to make money on Instagram - Best 4 Ways for Beginners

How to make money on Instagram?

Instagram had an exponential boom in less than seven years. This visually-driven app becomes one of the top social media platforms in no time. Apart from a simple photo-sharing app, it transformed as e-commerce for users. If you are thinking about how to make money on Instagram, then this article will cover how Instagram is different from other e-commerce businesses and how to make money by selling on this platform.

1. Becoming a Social Media Influencer

An influence promotes products online by sharing their brand. If you have a decent following, then approach brands and help them to improve their products through your post and stories. Through publicity convince your audience about the products and the latest trends. The main focus of an influencer is to create awareness. Influencers do sponsor posts while partnered with the brands and get paid on an individual basis. The payment is made according to the reach of jobs or the engagement on each post.

An influencer has to create content around the product that will help to reach the target audience through posts and stories. So, as an influencer, you have to know your audience so that you can find the right brands for your followers. For influencers, Instagram comes up with a business account where you can track the post reach, engagements and other analytics reports. 

2. Affiliate Marketing

The more straightforward way is to sell other people or shop products where you receive a commission in return. An affiliate partner with brands and sells their product for a cut. They post redirectable links of the websites or coupons and promo codes where the users may get additional discounts. Also, you can post links of the brands on your posts or have a link on your bio, and this will land them to the brand’s website. Initially, it is challenging and difficult, but it is one of the great opportunities if you are planning to start your own business.

3. Start a business

If you have a plan to start a business, then, Instagram may give you a headstart. If the aim is to sell products, then the e-commerce platform is taking over the traditional ways. All you have to do is promote your products through posts and stories. The effort required is only packing and shipping to the buyers. Also, it requires a warehouse or storeroom to keep the items. Put relevant hashtags that will help to reach the target audience.

4. Sell your photos

If you are a professional photographer, you can showcase your photography skills through Instagram. Advertise and sell your photos to users or companies with copyright. Moreover, appropriate hashtags will drive the right audience towards you and make sure you have the right audience and followers for the same. Hobbyist photographers can also manage this business where they can earn some money by selling photographs.

Final Thoughts

These four friendly ways can help you to earn some hefty amount of money through Instagram. Initially, the process is challenging, but if it is done in the right way, then there is no looking back. Who knows tomorrow this photo-sharing app may help you to build an empire.