Everything to Know About Effective Lead Generation in 2020

Know about Effective Lead Generation in 2020

There is a significant change in the way consumers perceive advertisements and companies must adapt their lead generation tactics accordingly. You need to be constantly testing, identifying, and implementing new strategies that work for your company.

Have a Website          

If you don’t have a website, it will be almost impossible to attract targeted leads using organic traffic sources. You can provide valuable information to your audience through engaging content, and ensure that they have a reason to come back. What’s more, a website makes it easier to personalize the experience and ensure that they’re seeing the information. (Something that’s most relevant to them, depending on where they are searching in the buyer’s journey)

Make Contact Information Visible

When developing your own or company website, every decision needs to be made from the leads that you want to attract. You must make navigating your site easy, and an important part of that is in showcasing your contact information. It must be in a prominent position; after all, attracting qualified leads to your site is an expensive process and you can’t risk losing them. You could even consider incorporating a chatbot so that your leads can reach you.

Use Opt-In Forms

Some of your visitors won’t be willing to leave their contact information and that’s why it’s essential to have an opt-in form. It is for capturing effective leads and has an appealing incentive for leaving their email address. However, the exact offer depends on your audience; it must be something that they will find valuable, such as a free trial.

Landing Pages

A landing page is a crucial element of any successful lead generation strategy; it is the place where you capture their contact information. The effectiveness of your lead generation depends on the quality of your landing page. Moreover, it will largely decide the success of your sales, so develop and tweak it to maximize your conversion rate. Your landing pages must have a simple message that showcases the value of the offer.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

When developing your CTAs, you must ensure that they are:

  • clear and understandable to the audience
  • the content is compelling
  • it is well placed and allows the visitor to contact you in an easy manner


A blog is an essential part of a comprehensive lead generation strategy for effective lead generation different marketing approaches. A blog that’s full of valuable content can position your company as an authority in building trust with your audience. What’s more, you will get linked to new segments of your audience.

Client’s Referrals

No matter how effective your lead generation strategies are, word of mouth is an effective and one of the best ways to grow. If you can provide excellent service consistently, they will recommend you to their friends and colleagues. Such endorsement is valuable and you should consider incentivizing it such as offering a referral bonus.

These were some tips on effective lead generation in 2020. Let us know your thoughts on the topic in the comment section below.